Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yesterday... I didn't feel like posting.

Yesterday started out rough. I think because the day started out cold and got quite warm. It was like a 50 degree difference. So, I had difficulty sleeping and then felt like crud when I got up. I took it slow and actually got more than I thought I would done. It was actually quite nice. The only thing was I didn't feel up to going out and driving etc... So, the library dvds did not go back! :(

Midafternoon I did get some energy and started with baby steps of trying to get things done... brushed teeth, picked up and cleaned the kitchen (minus the floor and dishes), tried abdominal compression, worked online, picked up the bathroom, and searched online and found the exercise bike I wanted to get and finally ordered it!!! I also searched and found the compression hose that I am going to try and ordered that as well! Online shopping is great! It just stinks when it is all health related stuff!!! :) It actually became quite a productive day for the way I was feeling originally. I just had to take things slow. It sounds so silly to list everything out like this, but it is the way that we have to think about and plan our days. I think it also helps to demonstrate to others that someone like myself is not able to just clean the apartment in two hours on the weekend etc.

I am excited that I got the bike and compression ordered! It takes a bit off the to do list!!! And I tried the abdominal compression... semi-uncomfortable, not sure I noticed a difference... it is probably not the best one for me. But, I am learning! :)

Then, the storms started to roll in... (well the front anyways... my head could feel it!). I got a little sleep between 11:00 pm-1:30 am. Got up for a while... Slept another like hour and had to go to bathroom and my head was still throbbing. Took motrin and tried to go back to bed. Finally fell asleep sometime after 7:00 am and was able to sleep and not want to get up till 1:30 pm. Crappy schedule, but I needed sleep after my head pounding all night! :) Fun times!!!

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