Saturday, April 25, 2009

An Attempt at an Update...

As demonstrated by the time stamp on this post the symptom that has been the worst recently is insomnia. The night before last I managed to get maybe 2 hours of fragmented sleep, last night was about 1.5 hours in the early night and could not get back to sleep until very late. I managed to get about another hour of fragmented sleep before I had to get up. So, my lack of sleep of course makes other symptoms worse. I did take a 2 hr. nap this afternoon, because I didn't think I had much choice... And even though I truly am exhausted for whatever reason I just can not sleep. As soon as I start to (every time) I hear things or startle myself awake. This type of "sleep" is more exhausting than staying awake. Who knows? Like I am reminded all the time I am WEIRD! :)

OTHERWISE... In an attempt at an overall update. I will start the Florinef soon (haven't decided when). I went to see the allergist last week. It was FUN!? I had to wait so long in a humid hot room that I had to sit with the door open and lights out. Finally I told the nurse I was about to pass out... she helped me lay down etc. They were quite nice. They took my vitals, blood sugar, etc. Then they pulled my drs. resident out of the other patient room to come and start my history and everything. I got to feeling a bit better (the best I would in that environment)and managed to get through the first part with the resident, wait for another 30 min., and FINALLY get to see the dr.

Thankfully, BOTH were very familiar with POTS and its correlation with Mast Cell Activation Disorder (MCAD). So, we discussed a variety of things, and they did a basic allergy screen and some of the markers that can indicate MCAD and related issues. I got the results back, and from the allergens they tested I am NOT allergic. Wahoo! I still am allergic to some things though... just not real sure what. I am not sure on the MCAD stuff yet, but I don't think much showed up on the blood work. BUT, or less you are having an attack, not much appears on these tests. So, I still really do not know...

Friday I had an appmt with my primary care dr. Pretty much same old stuff. I think I am FINALLY getting a rheumatologist appmt. Which I should have already been seeing one for the Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS). Talked about sleep problems, allergies, and arm and knee pain.

This is long enough, and I should probably try to sleep... :)

Happy WEEKEND!!!

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