Monday, January 18, 2010

I have been feeling down right AWFUL! :(

Not sure what is going on, but have felt awful (even for me) the past 2 or 3 days. I require a TON of sleep. I either have a migraine or it is sitting right there on the brink of exploding into a full migraine. My brain can not think or process things. I feel heavy, but not my "normal" orthostatic (I need to lay down flat feeling). It is like the flu. It is weird. I am having times of being too hot, and uncharacteristic cold moments for me.

I had energy this morning that quickly drained away. It seems I have 4 hours of being able to barely function, and then I have to sleep for 4-8 hours to recover. And then repeat...

It is getting old. I am considering a migraine pill to see if I can get this one to go away. Don't like to take them too often, but I need to do something.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Nothing too exciting...

Recently things have not been all that exciting, so I have not felt I have much of any interest to write. I continue to be symptomatic and things change daily, but there is nothing out of my "norm".

Migraines continue to be one of the top issues. They are worsened by weather changes, hormones, and chemicals. Most recently anytime the smallest amount of bleach was used anywhere in the house, I was nauseous and had a migraine etc. for days. It took me a while to figure it out, and to get away from the smell.

Sleep is also still a HUGE issue. At least currently I tend to be able to get sleep it is just on a night owl's schedule.

I did get as a Christmas present some cooling pillows!!! They actually have seemed to help my sleep quite a bit, and are comfortable. I am quite happy with that purchase. I was not sure what I would get when I ordered them.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I may just try blogging again!?!

I keep wanting to get back into this blog and use it more, but it always seems like so much work... To have to pull it up, log in, etc... So, I always talk myself out of it. But, it does kinda help me keep things in a chronological order, so I thought I may give it another try...

Not sure where to start at all. I tried the Topamax and that did not go well, so I am no longer taking that. Then the dr. suggested increasing my Atenolol doseage. I seem to be tolerating that well, and it MAY be helping my migraines.

I have an appointment at Mayo at the end of February that will hopefully lead to some answers, help, etc...

Oh, and Springfield is so NOT a good city to try to find doctors. I will have to go to St. Louis or further to find any doctor other than my primary care doctor. Urrgghh!