Saturday, January 9, 2010

I may just try blogging again!?!

I keep wanting to get back into this blog and use it more, but it always seems like so much work... To have to pull it up, log in, etc... So, I always talk myself out of it. But, it does kinda help me keep things in a chronological order, so I thought I may give it another try...

Not sure where to start at all. I tried the Topamax and that did not go well, so I am no longer taking that. Then the dr. suggested increasing my Atenolol doseage. I seem to be tolerating that well, and it MAY be helping my migraines.

I have an appointment at Mayo at the end of February that will hopefully lead to some answers, help, etc...

Oh, and Springfield is so NOT a good city to try to find doctors. I will have to go to St. Louis or further to find any doctor other than my primary care doctor. Urrgghh!


  1. Check out fludrocortisone
    See comments on NIH website:

  2. Hi!
    Thanks for the idea! I actually have tried Florinef, and more or less had the opposite reaction. I lost a lot of fluid, severe insomnia, and hypoglycemia.

    But, I am interested to just about any and all ideas. So, keep them coming! :)
